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“Spare me some change, sir?”

“Spare me some change, sir?”

Supposedly, it was the ancient philosopher Heraclitus who said “The only thing constant in life is change” – and boy was he right! This year has been a year of change for me and my family, and while I have no intention of attempting to make a full listing of all the changes thus far let me just say – it has been plenty!

One change I don’t mind sharing is my new career path. For the last four months or so I have been taking courses in CNC Machining and as of today I have passed all of my final exams and even two exams for nationwide certifications in CNC Lathe Operations and CNC Mill Operations! Yay me!

I promise I’m not trying to job hunt from the blog here, its just that I’ve worked hard to get here and I’m excited about it. I wish I could say that all of the change that has come down the line was good, or at least easy. In fact it was the change of losing my job at the first of the year that spurred me to take the classes and make a full industry change. Can I just tell you, that’s not easy. It wasn’t the best job ever but I was comfortable and thought I could grow from there. Apparently not.

So what do we do when change happens? To me, that’s the real unknown. How are we going to react and how will we let the change affect us? I refuse to let these changes drag me down. I refuse to let these losses (or gains) bring me to a place of fret and worry. “Oh Keith, You must be a strong-willed individual to be able to say that!” No no no…it’s not like that at all. In fact I can only say that because of my relationship with Jesus Christ. You see, from Heraclitus’ philosophical world view he was correct, but he didn’t factor in faith in a Saviour. He couldn’t recognize the great security and stability that comes with having one’s life settled on the Rock of Ages. No matter what change may come My God is constant, unchanging and faithful. Can you say so? Is your house built on the Rock?

Matthew 7:26 – 27

“Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.”

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