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Except the LORD build the house…

Except the LORD build the house…

“A Song of degrees for Solomon. Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.  Psalm 127:1

20 years ago the Lord gave me the desires of my heart, an helpmeet as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside – and the outside is beautiful! I fell in love with her largely because of her heart for God, her compassion for others and the character that made up the person her parents raised her to be. I have seen all of this lived out in her in so many ways, from caring for our ever growing family through the years to giving herself to help others, even when they in turn leave her hurting with no regard to the love she has shown them. I have heard her say through bitter tears “That’s it, I’m done. I’m not helping anyone else!” only to see her give of  herself again, loving regardless of what the outcome may be – she just can’t help it and I love her for it!

 20 years ago the Lord joined us together, and what the Lord has joined together let not man put asunder. Including me.  It hasn’t always been easy, no marriage is. Marriage is God making two individuals to be one flesh. It’s the melding of two individuals into one being. It’s a perfect plan when we are surrendered to His will, pleasing and fulfilling to both individuals and to the Lord. More often than not, however, the “donated organisms” attempt to exert their own will and wind up acting contrary to both God and their spouse which, in reality, is also contrary to themselves. This is why its SO important that we follow Christ’s example in marriage, loving each other more than we love ourselves, “even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it”.

20 years ago the Lord built a house. If I had tried to build it, if it was solely dependent on my wife or myself to hold this family together we would have failed long ago. Not for lack of trying. Having both come from broken homes we were very determined to not make the same mistakes our parents made. There is no level of human determination however that can hold a family together when Satan throws his might at it to destroy it. Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it. Without the help of our heavenly Father all of our labour would be in vain. And just because we made it 20 years doesn’t mean we have arrived. Yes, through the years we have learned some things but if the Lord doesn’t help, if He is not the foundation, the walls, the master builder then we cannot survive the storms that will come! The Lord built the house and we are happy to live here!

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