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Who is Charlie Company?

Who is Charlie Company?

Charlie Company!
Who are we?
We are the Cross family – Keith & Misty (Dad and Mom), Joshua, Malachi, Robert, Samuel, Emily, Allyson, Kathryn, Theron, Joseph and Ezra. Yeah, there’s a lot of us! We are a homeschooling, hard working normal everyday family, just…ya know…bigger. We love the Lord, love each other, love food and for the most part, we just love life in general! We are not a military family as the name might suggest but we do support and respect our armed forces and veterans as we have many family members in the military covering all branches in one way or another.

What’s this all about?
Charlie Company is essentially a large family dad blog. Honestly, at first I thought, “Another large family blog? Really?” but as I began to do some research (about 7.5 minutes on google, I admit…) I realized that while there are many large family blogs and likewise many dad blogs, I had never seen a large family blog from a Dad’s perspective, so maybe I will have some insight that might help someone out. In some way. Maybe.

So, what does a LF dad blog cover? (I’m tired of writing out “large family,” I mean, I think I wrote it like 15 times in the paragraph above…ugh..) Whatever it wants! I am a Christian so be forewarned – I have a very strong Christian worldview. I do plan to write some articles on matters of faith and the Word of God, mostly in the context of the family and the issues a family may deal with today but I also plan to just talk about our life together, share stories, maybe some photos and videos, probably even some recipes. Why not, right? Because life doesn’t come at us in a nearly organized set of genres. Life comes running at us – full speed – like a toddler with his fists straight out at below‐the‐belt height. If your not prepared for it you’ll wind up on the floor. Just sayin’.

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