Home & Family
Deck the Halls?

Deck the Halls?

This time of year conjures all kinds of thoughts and emotions for me. They say things can imprint themselves on you as early as you last month or so in the womb. If that’s the case then Christmas imprinted on me hard (I was born in January). I’ve always loved this season, this time of year. I love the trappings and trimmings and all the tinsel and lights – well, at least I used to. As I’ve grown and learned, through the years I’ve come to understand all those things to be a distraction from the real joy of Christmas – the Joy of Christ.

At our house we’ve changed how we celebrate Christmas. We decorate but not with Santa and reindeer, not with manger scenes and wise men. Its just winter decor for us these days. We don’t even put up a tree anymore. We do some gift giving and such but mostly we just try to honor God and the fact that He sent His Son to save us. Christmas trees, the lights, the decorations – those things aren’t meant to honor Christ no matter what cute little story you attach to them. They are just distractions.

Now, I’m not saying you’re a God-hating heathen if you don’t do Christmas just like I do. What I do want to make abundantly clear is the fact that Christmas IS all about the birth of Christ, an event that changed the world. Maybe you don’t think it’s that big of a deal but I’m here to tell you that with out Christ it truly is just “X-Mas” and you can trim it all up and light it all up but Christ came that we might have life, not some fancy holiday. Remember to honor Him as you go about your holiday season.

“And He is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things He might have the preeminence.”

Colossians 1:18, King James Bible

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